If you want to start developing maps in your Drupal 7 websites you should prepare for a steep learning curve.
Unlike Drupal 6, Drupal 7 has much less all-in-one-out-of-the-box mapping solutions which leaves you with a large collection of contributed modules that have to be configured in order to get a decent map in your website.
On top of that the world of mapping is surrounded in a mist of terminology. To be able to get working with maps one must know what terms like latitude, wkt, tiles, layers and polygons mean.
In this session I will introduce you to the most important concepts and modules of mapping in Drupal 7. The information is based on the book “Mapping with Drupal” (shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021230.do). After attending this session you should be able to start exploring the mapping world without feeling confused and getting lost. Let this session be your map to mapping.
This session is interesting for everyone who wants to start (now or in the distant future) integrating maps in his website. If you already have a Drupal 7 site with maps powered by openlayers, views, geofield and geocoder than this session will offer you little.
This session will *not* be a demonstration that shows you which exact 264 steps you must follow to get a working map. But I will show some of the more important settings and views.