Visit Barcelona

You are about to spend a long weekend in one of the most curious among Mediterranean capitals, Barcelona. As a settlement with over two millennia at its back, it is a metropolis of rich historical heritage and quite promising future. Barcelona is a dynamic, chic, ambitious, environmentally cautious city, ever striving towards improvements for its citizens.

There is no better recommendation but those natives could provide for visitors. Barcelona is well known of its hospitality and we would love to have you accrediting it in first person. Check-out BCN Websites.

Flanked on both sides with two rivers and squeezed between the sea and the mountain, everything is within walking distance. Public transportation comprises of nautical, road, tram, rail-road and underground network, most of which unified under the fare system, providing long service hours over weekend. As well, TMB includes night shift service.


Barcelona's sailportWhatever your idea of fun might be, you are probably going to feel at home in Barcelona. Life is pulsing whole day - whole night, all year around. There is no marked touristic season in Barcelona. Foreign people and languages are quite common sight. Barcelona is very densely populated and within its Metropolitan Area, neighboring towns are blended in, on the opposed street sidewalk or river bank.


Just to mention few of Barcelona’s attractions, sea wolfs and mermaids can fall for onboard, water or beach activities and leisure, urban seeker admiring marvelous architectural landmarks, culture, history, cuisine, fashion, nature lovers hiking in city’s parks and protected natural reserve, while night owls enjoying variety of clubbing life.


Citilab building

Barcelona’s satellite settlement, Cornella de Llobregat, has tram, train and bus TMB network, effectively integrating it in Barcelona Metropolitan area. A single ticket validation takes you from Citilab’s doorstep Tram station to a Metro / Train station to virtually any place in Barcelona, including the International Airport.


Barcelona’s Municipality is taking care Internet is part of everyday life for everybody. Most of public places are provided with Internet access points. QR / bidi code and Augmented Reality are as well getting presence in the city’s life.


Visit Barcelona

Decide for yourself if 3 days at any place else could be as diverse and memorable as visiting our Barcelona. We would love to make it little bit yours as well, and count on it, to fall under her spell, chic and charms. Barcelona could get under your skin.

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